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Our Regulations


Prior to all stays a waiver must be signed.
Without the signed waiver daycare, and boarding services will be refused.
Prior to all stays we must receive valid, and up to date proof of vaccination.
Without immunization proof all services will be refused.
All female dogs in heat will be separated form all non-neutered males.
All aggressive dogs will be separated from all other dogs.
If food is not  provided by owner, Stay&Play will provide it. 
Stomachaches are at owners expense.
If ones' toys, or bedding gets ruined at our facility it is at the owners expense.


Daycare drop off time is 7:30 am, and picked up time is 7:30 pm.
If needed to go beyond said hours extra charges may apply.
If you are late for pickup extra charges may be applied.
Late pick ups are at the owners expense.
We charge $5 per hour for every late pick up.
If needed early drop off let us know, but there may be an extra charge.
Late pick up for a half day will automatically become a full day.
All packages must be paid in full, or have a set up payment plan before first use.
Multiple family dogs(within the same household) can share packages.
Multiple dog discount: a second dog(from the same household) receives a 10% discount after the first dog.

Night Watch

Night watch dogs must be dropped off after 7:30 pm, and picked up by 7:30 am.
If needed to go beyond said hours extra charges may apply.
If you are late for pickup extra charges may be applied.
Late pick ups are at the owners expense.
We charge $5 per hour for every late pick up.
If needed early drop off let us know, but there may be an extra charge.


Drop off for boarding anytime.
Pick up for boarding 24 hours after drop off.
Late pick up is at owners expense.
Multiple dog discount: a second dog(from the same household) receives a 10% discount after the second dog.
Boarding facility is supervised 24 hours by our staff.





70 Chauncey Ave., Toronto, Ontario

M8Z 2Z4


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